dilluns, 25 de maig del 2009

The new television:

Today I heard on the news that soon if you don’t have a digital receptor you could not see television. In my house there are three televisions, one in the living-room, another in the kitchen, and last in my room. We already bought two digital receptors (TDT), for my room and for kitchen. The living-room’s television will not work with TDT because it’s very old and doesn’t have euro connector so we’ll have to buy a new television.
The TDT in my room has DVD player but not the kitchen TDT.
You can buy a lot of types of TDT depends on branch. I heard on TV that a lot of people haven’t bought a TDT yet. I am sure that old people would be damaged with it because it will be hard for them to understand how to use it.
The conclusion is that if you don’t buy a new TV or a digital receptor you could not see the TV.